We are total homebodies. A debate between heading out or staying home is typically going to end with the latter. Honestly, a lot of this has to do with the energy of going ANYWHERE with two kids under the age of 5. But, we also just love the comfort that surrounds us within our four walls. Home is where our heart is.

Creating  memories with our kids at home is a priority for me because time is precious and weeks just fly by so fast. A few years ago, I decided to get creative by fancying up one of my Valentine’s day dinners. These dinners quickly became a tradition in our home.

We’ve found they are a great way to break from the norm, enjoy a nice meal, dress up and be silly with one another in the comfort of your home. You don’t need a lot of extras to make it memorable either.

Here are my 4 ESSENTIALS for throwing a fancy dinner party with your family…


The table setting and details are everything! The goal is to make this SPECIAL. If you have a tablecloth, pull it out! Cloth napkins? Grab those too! I love to put together a centerpiece of fresh flowers for the table. We have a dinnerware set in our cabinet for special occasions. I ALWAYS pull these out! Something about pretty plates and bowls adds to the elegance. 

This year, I had my girls decorate placemats. This was the perfect activity to keep them busy and quiet during our church service on Sunday. I glued the finished pages to larger sheets of paper. They were so excited to see them on the table!


My daughter’s favorite part of our fancy dinners is wearing one of her princess dresses. We let her choose our clothes too. Our rule for dress is we must wear what they pick out, even if it doesn’t match or is completely ridiculous. I even let her choose my accessories. She LOVES this part and gets so into it. It is SO MUCH fun dressing up with nowhere to go.


Just like a dinner at an nice restaurant, I always serve a three course meal. We start with a salad for my husband and I, and a bowl of fruit usually for my kids. I love to play the part of server. I clear their plates, refill their glasses, and treat them like royalty. Naturally, this is a big hit.

The main course is usually a pasta dish of sorts because noodles are a staple in our house. Dessert follows because this is a course no one should ever skip! I choose what to serve based on ease and preference for my kids. Keeping the meal simple gives you more time to spend having fun. If you aren't feeling the cooking gig, try ordering take out to serve! There is no harm in letting someone else do the cooking for you!


Music is essential during dinner because it sets the mood. A playlist with princess music usually is our go to but this week, I opted for a Valentine’s day one. Go with something that fits the mood of your dinner party.

Once everyone is finished with dinner, get up and dance. Slow dance, twirl, switch partners, and be silly, This is the most memorable, fun part of the whole experience so embrace it!

Dinner parties have become a staple in our household. This is something that you can save for special occasions or pull it out on those dull days where you need something fun! I promise you’ll find yourself planning the next dinner party before the first is over.


This Week’s MENU


This Week’s MENU