How I Make LISTS

I love lists. Like, LOVE them. I write them for everything. I find that they are a great way to organize all the messy thoughts that circle your brain on a daily basis. It may seem like a simple concept but you would be surprised how something so small can be such a useful tool.

Here are 4 tips for making lists that you’ll ACTUALLY use...

  1. Title Your List

It sounds silly but the very first step to making a useful list is making a fancy, decorative, written title. What is the list for? What are you trying to accomplish with it? That is your title. It could be a list of things you want to do for that day. It might also be a list of goals you have for yourself over the course of a longer period. Make it specific.

Add color, designs, or little doodles to the text. Not good at drawing? I like just adding dots or stickers! It seems like a simple concept but giving that list a title will help you WANT to look at it.

2. Brainstorm

This step won’t really help you with that To Do list, but it is beneficial when you are having a mental block of ideas. Brainstorming (sometimes called mind mapping) is something that I have used in my art classrooms for years. Often times it helps our brains snowball from that first thought onto bigger and better ideas. Whether you’re brainstorming an idea for a new design, a gift for a friend, or just a better answer, a growing list can help guide you to that golden idea.

3. Simplify

Keep your lists short, sweet, & simple. Laundry lists of text do nothing but discourage us. Our mind tells us its too much before we even try. Be REASONABLE with your expectations of yourself. If it is a To Do list, limit it to 5 or 6 reasonable tasks for the day…at MOST. Keep your words and layout basic too. Bullets are a great way to separate the thoughts. That said, double space and leave room between each item. Again, the purpose is not to overwhelm you, but to help organize your thoughts. 

4. Hold Yourself Accountable

This one is the most important. Hold yourself accountable to actually DO the things on your list. When something is written down and staring you back in the face, it often times has more weight. If there is something you just KNOW you have to get done, write it out on your list. As long as it's written down, you’ll find you feel more determined to cross it off. You might consider including your spouse in on meeting your goals. Do it together or get creative with how you could hold each other accountable.

5. REWARD yourself

My family is BIG on celebrations. There is nothing too small to celebrate! When you complete your list, reward yourself!

Relax, enjoy some YOU time, and do something that makes you happy. Working towards a purpose is plenty of reason to get through that list.

Here are a few places & apps I keep my lists…

The check box setting is fantastic when it comes to marking things off.

Google Keep is an app you can download onto your phone that is awesome because it allows more than one person to have access to it. My husband and I share a grocery list on the app so we both are able to add items as we need to. It is super helpful when one of us makes that unplanned trip to the store.

Google Slides is a great place to make lists

Google Docs & Slides is one of my favorite platforms because it is cloud based meaning it can be accessed anywhere and on any device.

There are also endless ways to organize & design a template that works for YOU.

If you find yourself not into this digital world we have grown into, the traditional paper & pen is always available. This is honestly my favorite place to make my lists because nothing beats that satisfactory feeling of crumbling it up and trashing it when you’ve check it all off!

Bottom line is writing down the name of a movie, idea, or just jotting down a list of simple words to jog your memory is SUPER beneficial. Try it and you’ll find yourself more organized & productive before you know it.


Apps I’m Using NOW


This NEW THING for me…