This NEW THING for me…

Hello and welcome to my page!

My name is Jacqueline!

I’m going to spare you the lengthy, formal introduction and get right to the point.

Family & Faith are my HEART & PURPOSE. 

My husband and I believe in living life fully and with our entire hearts. We surround ourselves as much as we can each day with our family. No matter how busy days may be, we find the time to enjoy the life we created together.

Faith is what guides our choices throughout each moment every single day. Our journey has taken us on a trustworthy path of ups and downs but we wholly believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

So WHY am I starting this blog? No one does anything without a reason, right?

Truth be told, I believe creativity is a gift God gave me. I want to SHARE the ways we make life fun with our kids. I want to share the thoughts, ideas, and creativity I have stored in this chaotic brain of mine. I want to share the ways we juggle all these things to make our life work. I want to PUSH MYSELF to be better at my craft. Mostly, I want to LEARN throughout the process. My husband tells me that the only way to get better at something is to do it. So let’s do more!


Happy reading, creating & living,



How I Make LISTS