Gosh, do I wish that every day could be fabulous from start to finish. Do you ever wake up and just KNOW it isn’t going to run smoothly? 

I can usually tell with within an hour of being awake things are not going to go as planned. 

I used to dwell on that feeling. One thing would snowball into another and I would find myself deflated by lunchtime.

3 years ago I gave myself a challenge that has completely changed my outlook on these kind of days.

My 2019 New Year’s resolution was to journal 1 thing I was thankful for each day for the entirety of the year. We all know that New Year resolutions are made with the best of intentions, and typically fly south by February. This was something I was NOT going to let slide, and I didn’t. 

3 years later, I still am keeping track of the many things I have to be thankful for in each day. My attitude changed and so have I. 

Here’s how I did it…

Write it down

A lot of the success for me in keeping with this challenge has been forcing myself to record my thoughts every day. I have a journal that I keep beside my bed with a pencil that holds my spot. When I snuggle into bed each night, I pull it out and jot down whatever moment is on my mind. Things repeat, obviously, and that's okay! In fact, you can eventually spot trends in the things that bring you the most happiness and surround yourself with more of that!

Bad days are OKAY

Don’t get me wrong, my days are far from perfect. With two kids, no mom in this world would claim any day to run perfectly.

The key though is thinking about how those not so good things make you realize how INCREDIBLE those good things make you feel. I have realized how important those dips in life are. Embrace challenges because in the process, you are becoming a stronger version of yourself.

GIVE a Little Something

Treating others with the kindness we desire in turn just makes us happier! I started to schedule a little time every week to do something special for someone in my life. Think about what a kind word, phone call, note, or gift does to YOUR mood. Turn it around and try brightening someone else's day. Change your focus from yourself and show someone in your life how thankful you are for them. The happiness this brings will fill your heart.

If you find yourself really needing a reset, challenge yourself to enter a routine of gratitude. Routines eventually become habits and I promise this one will do your mind, soul, and heart good.


This Week’s MENU


This Week’s MENU